There has been much talk of GDPR and what it means for businesses. There is a wealth of information available, but how do you formulate a plan to ensure that your organisation is ready ahead of the May 2018 deadline, and avoid the potential £20million fine? Well, the ICO is the UK’s independent body set up to uphold information rights and they have produced a fantastic guide on how to tackle GDPR…

“Many of the GDPR’s main concepts and principles are much the same as those in the current Data Protection Act (DPA), so if you are complying properly with the current law then most of your approach to compliance will remain valid under the GDPR and can be the starting point to build from. However, there are new elements and significant enhancements, so you will have to do some things for the first time and some things differently.

It is important to use this checklist and other Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) resources to work out the main differences between the current law and the GDPR. The ICO is producing new guidance and other tools to assist you, as well as contributing to guidance that the Article 29 Working Party is producing at the European level. These are all available via the ICO’s Overview of the General Data Protection Regulation. The ICO is also working closely with trade associations and bodies representing the various sectors – you should also work closely with these bodies to share knowledge about implementation in your sector.”

Please click on the image below to access the full ICO guide advising on the 12 steps you can take now to ensure you’re on the right path to GDPR compliance.


For more information please get in touch with our team or take a look at the full guide on the ICO website.

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